Language Processing with Perl and Prolog

by Pierre Nugues
Second edition: August 2014
Pages: 662
Published by Springer

Book description

The areas of natural language processing and computational linguistics have continued to grow in recent years, driven by the demand to automatically process text and spoken data. With the processing power and techniques now available, research is scaling up from lab prototypes to real-world, proven applications.

This book teaches the principles of natural language processing, first covering linguistics issues such as encoding, entropy, and annotation schemes; defining words, tokens and parts of speech; and morphology. It then details the language-processing functions involved, including part-of-speech tagging using rules and stochastic techniques; using Prolog to write phase-structure grammars; parsing techniques and syntactic formalisms; semantics, predicate logic and lexical semantics; and analysis of discourse, and applications in dialog systems. The key feature of the book is the author's hands-on approach throughout, with extensive exercises, sample code in Prolog and Perl, and a detailed introduction to Prolog. The reader is supported with a companion website that contains teaching slides, programs, and additional material.

The second edition is a complete revision of the techniques exposed in the book to reflect advances in the field, the author redesigned or updated all the chapters, added two new ones, and considerably expanded the sections on machine-learning techniques.

Where to buy it

Amazon (US): Language Processing with Perl and Prolog, 2nd edition.
Amazon (UK): Language Processing with Perl and Prolog, 2nd edition.
Springer: Language Processing with Perl and Prolog, 2nd edition. (eBook and hardcover)


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Online edition

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Book details

Title: Language Processing with Perl and Prolog
Theories, Implementation, and Application
Series: Cognitive Technologies
Author: Nugues, Pierre M.
2nd ed. 2014, XXV, 662 p. 200 illus., 18 illus. in color, Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-3-642-41464-0

Contact the author

Pierre Nugues
LTH, Department of Computer science
Box 118
221 00 Lund, Sweden

Institutionen för Datavetenskap 2014. Ansvarig: Pierre Nugues
Last update: Saturday, 13-Sep-2014 07:41:03 CEST